Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pandemic Schmandemic

So the influenza virus has mutated yet again. Big deal... the biggest winners will be the manufacturers of Relenza and Tamiflu.

Sometimes I really don't understand people's mentality surrounding illness.

A "pandemic" my ass. There are already pandemics here.

The "smoking pandemic" - just count the millions killed by smoking-related illnesses, and even worse, the millions killed by second-hand smoke - isn't that considered "human-to-human" transmission? (Technically, no - but what's the diff?)

The obesity problem - killing people slowly but surely.

Tuberculosis - still killing millions worldwide and emerging stronger and stronger, but it seems as long as it's only the poor, disadvantaged folks that are dying, it isn't newsworthy.

The regular good ol' flu virus - not the pig type - tons of patients still ignoring advice to get the flu shot. I'll bet you good money you'll find some of the "swine flu panickers" belonged to this category... people still die from the flu!

And on and on the list goes.

So, the newest kid on the block is creating a buzz.

I'm not saying there isn't any reason to be concerned.

I'm calling for perspective.

Yes, this is a new virus.
Yes, it has killed some folks.
Yes, it seems to be spreading.
Yes, one should practise good personal hygiene.

By all means, if you're getting off a plane from Mexico, wear a mask. Take your temperature.

But the everyday Joe needs to keep in mind that there are a lot of things out there that can kill you and swine flu right now isn't exactly the number one most common disease that will be your cause of death.

Before you run out and buy your masks, thermometers, supply of Tamiflu and gear up for a Doomsday scenario, maybe you should stub out your cigarettes, lose some weight, take up a healthy exercise routine and quit boozing...

But what do I know? I'm just a soldier in the trenches.

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All anecdotes have had parts fictionalised and potential identifiers altered in order to protect patient confidentiality.